90-day 3-month body transformation female: how joy transformed her physique and muscled through the pain
is it possible?
well, i'll say this...
If you don't love inspiring stories...stop. reading. now.
Today, you're going to learn about joy ("pump it up, pump it up, and pain")
yeah, there's nothing like that old school feel good music.
Joy's an educator from the boot "a.k.A" Louisiana and she's been rocking a lean hard physique since becoming a member of our elite proven process hers program.
Some say, Joy's 90-day 3-month transformation is nothing short of amazing.
And I would agree.
What's really impressive is the fact that Joy, like many people, had a good idea of what she needed to do, but was struggling with doubts like..

so, Keep reading to see how her journey unfolded.
90-day 3-month body transformation female: the Problem

For Joy, that influence started at home.
That's right, there's nothing like momma's loving.and it was Joy's mom who raised her to be physically and mentally fit. So, being in shape and eating healthy was ingrained in her early on in life.
But as Joy began to "adult," life became a bit fast paced and as a result:
- healthy eating
- muscle shaping work outs
- and healthy lifestyle habits
All took a back seat, until one day she says...
"I got to a point where I no longer was comfortable with my weight."
And that's when she knew she had to make a change.
Joy's Frustration

But for some reason, she couldn't put it all together in a way that seamlessly fit her lifestyle.
The cycle of losing and gaining weight made her doubt she would be able to reach her body transformation/weight loss goals.
"It got so bad at one point", she says...
"I was so desperate to lose the weight that I almost signed up for a $300 dollar a month program...and then I found yours."
When the proven process started coming together

"I thought that....if I could lose 10lbs that would be great, but then the pounds just kept coming off and I thought...this is kind of nice."
then, Joy came to realize there was something more meaningful to her journey beyond just "losing weight."
"Without meaning to, it transformed our lives from the ground up. It wasn't just...Hey, I'm losing weight, I feel good about myself.
It was, I have more sanity because I know what I need to eat and I feel like I'm accomplishing something."
What started as just a simple weight loss goal, transformed her mindset, and simplified her life.
What's so different about elite health and physique?

"My life is busy as it is, so I don't have to research the internet thinking...what exercises do I need to do here and there.
I have you, to be like, okay, well this is your goal and then we map out the steps.
And it's those baby steps to help you reach those long term goals, where I have the security of Elite (Elite Health And Physique)."
The takeaway, a proven process with step by step guidance made all the difference in Joy's journey.
what joy's life looks like now that her problem is solved?

And when I went to the gym. I looked around at all the people who were super fit...and I'd be like they've got issues.
I judged.
But once you get into the rhythm, it doesn't feel right if you don't exercise but it's not...over the top.
I mean, I can get my workouts in, in 30-50 minutes tops.
Just trust the process.
Again, going to the person thinking...
1. I can do it on my own.
2. I'm not quite ready.
Having someone with a medical background, who knows what to do, is setting yourself up for success
You try to do it on your own and you have that dream that you'll never get.
But if you make the financial commitment, which isn't very much...
The long-term benefits.
- I'm way more productive
- I have a higher quality of life
But not just now, also in the future because I'm taking care of my body right now."
joy's journey included major life obstacles

Although Joy's transformation was as success, the path it wasn't all roses.
Joy had to overcome one of the toughest life events that any of us will ever face.
A divorce.
As painful as it was, Joy continued to focus her mind on her health and building a quality physique.
This helped her garner enough strength to gracefully handle the situation and came out stronger than before.
And, in February of 2022, Joy re-married and is back to living life to the fullest.
Of course, she is still maintaining her lean physique and healthy habits.
90-day 3-month body transformation female: the take away

I think Joy put it best when she says...
"You're stronger than you think you are."
That is the truth.
But sometimes it takes a plan with baby steps and guidance to help you get out of your own way and back on track to living a healthier lifestyle.
And that's where we come in with our Elite Proven Process Diet and Training programs.
If you're ready to take the first step, tap the image below to take our free health and physique quiz to diet and exercise for your phenotype.
alright, i'm signing out, until next time.
-Joe G.
P.S. - what are your thoughts on about joy's transformation? let me know what you think below.
90-day 3-month body transformation female: ready to start your transformation?
Tap the image above to take the quiz and learn about your phenotype and get better results.