Biceps Resistance Band Workout: 2 Minute Band Bicep Workout For Mass

By Joe G

Nurse, Trainer, Elite Leader

Biceps resistance Band Workout: 2 Minute Band Bicep Workout For Mass

if you want a biceps resistance band workout that's quick, will sculpt your biceps, and fuel some muscle growth, then keep reading.

today, i'm going to take you through my all time favorite resistance band workout for biceps. It's a simple workout but, like i always say, don't mistake simple for easy. 

Biceps Anatomy: The Long Head

the quickest path to building bigger biceps  is understanding the muscle you're targeting.

the biceps brachii has two heads.

the long head, which gets its name because it attaches further up on the scapula, is the outer muscle belly portion of your biceps which is attached to your upper forearm.

the job of the long head is to flex and supinate (turn your palm up) your elbow joint.

Biceps Anatomy: The Short Head

the short head, which gets its name because it attaches lower on the scapula is the inner muscle belly portion of your biceps which is attached to your upper forearm.

and just like the long head of the biceps  brachii, the short heads job is to flex and supinate your elbow joint, the short head also helps you lower your shoulder back down to your side.

Biceps Anatomy: The Brachialis

This is a bulky muscle that lies underneath your biceps muscles. the brachialis assists your biceps brachii to help flex your elbow.  so, developing this muscle goes a long way in adding biceps definition.

alright, now you know exactly what muscle you're targeting, now let's dive into the technique you'll be using in this resistance band workout for biceps.

Biceps Resistance Band Workout: The 42 Technique

the more muscle fibers you use during an exercise the greater the metabolic surge and hormonal response will be.

there are a few ways to produce this hormonal response but for this biceps workout with resistance bands we're going to:

  • 1. perform high repetitions
  • 2. use short rest periods between sets

The technique you'll be using to achieve this is called band bicep twenty-ones.

The twenty-one reps are broken down into 7 rep intervals. 

Underhand Grip

  1. you'll complete the first 7 partial reps of the exercise from the starting position to mid-rep range.
  2. then you'll complete 7 partial reps starting from mid-rep range to the the top of the movement.
  3. Lastly you'll complete 7 full  range of motion repetitions to complete one set.

Neutral Grip

  1. you'll complete the first 7 reps
  2. you'll complete the next 7 reps
  3. lastly you'll complete the last 7 reps

Biceps Resistance Band Workout: The Exercises Underhand Band Bicep Curls

the first exercise in this band bicep workout is designed to stress the short head of your biceps, you do this  by using an underhand shoulder width grip on the band to  do the band bicep curl. 

How To Do Underhand Shoulder Width Band Biceps Curl

  • stand on the middle of an exercise band. widen or shorten your stance to make sure you have enough resistance. 
  • Grab the resistance band with an underhand shoulder-width or slightly wider grip
  • Curl the band up toward your shoulders and squeeze at the top of the movement, then slowly lower the band back to the starting position.

Biceps Resistance Band Workout: The Exercises Neutral Grip Band Bicep Curls

the second exercise in this band bicep workout is designed to stress the long head of your biceps, you do this  by using an neutral grip on the band to  do the band biceps curl. 

How To Do Neutral Grip Band Biceps Curl

  • stand on the middle of an exercise band. widen or shorten your stance to make sure you have enough resistance. 
  • Grab the resistance band with a neutral grip (Close your fist and turn your hand so your thumb faces the sky).
  • Curl the band up toward your shoulders and squeeze at the top of the movement, then slowly lower the band back to the starting position.

 2 Minute Arms Resistance Bands Bicep Workout

Alright, here's the lay out for one of the best 2 Minute bicep workouts with resistance bands.







Band Curl

7 lower

20 sec



Band Curl

7 middle

20 sec



Band Curl

7 full

20 sec


No REst between exercises, Switch grips and Go!






Neutral Grip

Band Curl

7 lower

20 sec


Neutral Grip

Band Curl

7 middle

20 sec


Neutral Grip

Band Curl

7 full

20 sec


2 Minute Arms Band Biceps Workout Tips

When completing this workout you want to be aware of two things

1. First, the emphasis of time under tension.

This means you want to keep your biceps under as much tension with the band as possible. The timed interval of 20 seconds is there to easily help you achieve this. This  means for each repetition it should take you about 3 seconds.

2. Maximize the intensity of the workout.

this means you want ensure this short workout stresses every biceps muscle fiber to produce a significant hormonal response.

You can achieve this by widening your stance to make sure there's enough tension on the band to make sure every rep challenges you.

2 Minute Arms Biceps Resistance Band Workout: 


if you try this workout, I'd like to hear from you.

Drop a comment below and let me know what your thoughts are.

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Alright, that's all I got for today.

Until next time...

The juice is worth the squeeze!

Joe G - Your Elite Health And PHysique Leader

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