Bigger Bicep Workout: Best 3 Exercises To Make Your Biceps Bigger

By Joe G

Nurse, Trainer, Elite Leader

Bigger Bicep Workout: Best 3 Exercises To Make Your Biceps Bigger

Looking For a bigger bicep workout?

In this article i'm going to lay out 3 of the best exercises plus sprinkle in one key principle to help you build big biceps.

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Bigger Bicep Workout: Why Cheaters Have Big Biceps

man in mirror after biggest biceps workout

Cheat Meals Versus Cheat Reps

Cheat meals.?

When you're on a diet these are the two sexiest words in the English language.

Cheat reps?

When you're building muscle these are the two  most vial words in the English language.

And while it's absolutely necessary to have solid form on all basic compound movements

You will not be able to separate your physique from the crown with densely built muscle unless you learn how to effectively use cheat reps to overload and force your muscles to grow.


So, If you want to build big biceps, keep reading to learn how to cheat curl your way to biceps growth.

Bigger Bicep Workout: Barbell Biceps Cheat Curl

bigger bicep barbell biceps curl to make biceps bigger

Principle Of Cheating

Cheating is an advanced bodybuilding principle that when done right, can help open the doors to an anabolic muscle building paradise (R.I.P Coolio).

But unfortunately, If you've ever hired a general personal trainer, you were told..."keep your elbows tight and don't lean back" when you do your barbell bicep curls.

And with all due respect, these trainers normally have biceps that are less impressive than a 13 year old teenage boy.

The takeaway...

If you want basic results, you seek out a basic personal trainer.

If you want to build an impressive physique without compromising your health,  you seek out a  natural bodybuilding physique specialist.

When you stop to think about it, it makes perfect sense.

Alright, let's get  back to this  biceps business...

What are cheat reps?

What exactly are cheat reps?

Cheat reps are when you swing a weight past a sticking point. for example, with barbell cheat curls it's the hip drive you use to curl the weight upwards.

Of course, it's important to know that the initial swing that pushes you past the sticking point does not do much for your muscle growth.

However, the magic happens as you control the eccentric or negative portion of the movement, for 2 reasons:

  1.  You can control 160% more on the negative than you can on the positive
  2.  You Maximize hypertrophy by lowering the weight slowly over 3-5 seconds

Keep in mind that cheating is an advanced principle that should only be used by experienced lifters or followed during a muscle building program. lastly, it is not a principle that you should use every week because it may overload your central nervous system.

biceps bigger barbell curls for bigger bicep

How To Do Barbell Cheat Curls

1. Keep your feet flat

2. Stand holding the barbell or EZ curl bar with hands shoulder width apart

3. Curl the weight up using your shoulders and hips to help get you past the sticking point

4. Hold at the top

5. Control the eccentric on the way down, taking two to five seconds to lower the weight

Important note: When done correctly, this movement provides a huge eccentric overload. If you are rising up on your toes, you’re using too much weight.

Bigger Bicep Workout: Incline Pronated To Supinated Dumbbell Curl

bigger biceps incline supinated biceps curls to get bigger bicep

The second exercise for this bigger bicep workout is the incline  pronated to supinated dumbbell curl.

This exercise provides a great stretch for your biceps and creates additional tension at the sticking point to help develop your biceps peak.

How to do incline pronated to supinated dumbbell curl

1. Lie back on a 45-degree bench.

2. Start with your palms pronated to start the movement.

3. Your arms should hang straight down to the floor, fully extended.

4. Your arms are angled behind your body, so this requires a larger range of motion than a normal curl; it’s a great stretch movement.

5. Twisting your wrist from palms down to palms up, curl both arms up toward your shoulders or as high as you can go.

6. Lower the weight reversing your wrist position to the starting position and then repeat.

Important note:  Be sure to use full range of motion with this exercise, it's meant to stretch your biceps heads so Do not shorten it.

Bigger Bicep Workout: Reverse Grip E-Z Bar Curls

biggest biceps workout ez bar reverse barbell curl for bigger bicep

The third exercise for this bigger bicep workout is the reverse grip e-z bar curls.

This exercise provides a great stretch for your biceps and creates additional tension at the sticking point to help develop your biceps peak.

How To Do Reverse Grip E-Z Bar Curls

1. Perform this movement standing. your Feet should be shoulder width apart.  your Arms should be straight when you start with an overhand grip.

2. While keeping your back straight, curl the weight up to the front of your chest.

3. Stop briefly at the top.

4. Lower the weight back to starting position.

Important note: You won’t be able to lift as much weight this way. Don’t worry if your weight is down. Make sure you keep your elbows tucked in to your sides throughout the entire movement. For a fun variation, do this movement to failure and then follow this with traditional curls to failure.

Bigger Bicep Workout: Wrap-Up

bigger bicep workout dumbbells for biceps curls

Alright ladies and gents,

We've covered a lot in the past few minutes with this bigger bicep workout.

Now, I want to know your thoughts.

Drop a comment below and let me know what you think?

If you're ready to take control of your health and build your physique tap the image below to take our free health and physique quiz to find the best diet and training program for  you.

Alright, That's all I got for now,

Until next time...

The juice is worth the squeeze.

Joe G - Your Elite Health And Physique Leader

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