Chest Workout At Home No Weights: 1 Technique For A Bigger Chest
Chest workout at home no weights necessary.
Hey let's face it, sometimes you just can't get to the gym on chest day.
And if you're like most gym guys or gals, you're skeptical about working out at home because in the back of your mind you hold the belief that your chest workout just won't compare to the gym.
But today, we're going to break down that belief, that's right.
Well, I'm going to introduce you to a vertical drop set push up workout that you can add to your chest workouts at home NO EQUIPMENT NEEDED but you'll still be able to create all of that gym intensity.
So, if you're looking for a simple, quick, and effective way to get in a great chest PUSH UP workout AT HOME, read on!
Chest Workout At Home No Weights: 8-12 Rep Range For Muscle Growth
When it comes to building muscle, the 8-12 rep range is often glorified as the sweet spot for any exercise that will ascend your physique into anabolic muscle building paradise.
And yes, this rep range can indeed be very effective for beginners looking to add some size and strength.
However, if you're at home with no equipment this rep range can quickly limit your progress
That's why it's essential to understand the limitations of the 8-12 rep range (especially when you're looking to match the gym intensity without weights at home like I'll cover in this at home chest workout) before getting too comfortable with it, because like most comforting things in life, it can limit your growth.
So, let's quickly explore what you need to be conscious of when it comes to the 8-12 rep range.
Why The 8-12 Rep Range is not always ideal.
The first example where the 8-12 rep range can limit your progress is when it comes to building strength.
See, If your goal is to build strength, The 8-12 rep range will not be heavy enough to stimulate maximal strength gains.
And because I respect your time and don't want to bore you with the research, The short and sweet of it is this...
In order to build strength, you have to lift weights close to your one-rep max (the heaviest weight you can lift for one rep).2
There's no way around this...
So, you'll be better off sticking to a lower rep range of about 5-8 reps if your goal is to increase your strength.
The second example where the 8-12 rep range can limit your progress is when you're an intermediate to advanced lifter.
Because in order to take your physique to the next level, you'll need to stretch your rep ranges far above and below the 8-12 rep threshold in order to progressively stimulate mature muscle.
And of course there are many more examples where it may not be ideal to stick to the 8-12 rep range that we won't cover today, so here's The main takeaway...
The 8-12 rep range is a beneficial guideline to follow as you start your physique journey.
However, after you reach a certain point, you'll need careful manipulation of training variables (reps, sets, etc) to take your physique to new heights.
Now that You understand why you should and should not always stick to 8-12 reps, let's take a look at the technique we'll use to add intensity to this push up chest workout at home.
One Technique For A Bigger Chest: The Drop Set
One of The Best techniques for a challenging and effective chest workout AT HOME NO EQUIPMENT, is the drop set.
Drop sets are done by:
- Completing a set to failure
- Reducing the weight
- Continuing until you reach failure
- Then you repeat this cycle for about 3-5 rounds
This technique is a great way to add slabs of muscle to your chest while you workout at home because it causes a tremendous Amount of stress to your central nervous system.
And it's for this very same reason that you should use drop sets sparingly to prevent yourself from overtraining.
How To Do A Drop Set With Weights
When it comes to performing drop sets with weights, there are 3 key principles I want you to keep in mind:
● First, you'll want to choose a challenging but doable weight for the number of reps you aim to complete.
● Second, once you reach muscle failure with that weight, quickly drop the load by 10-20% and continue your reps until you reach failure again. be sure to drop/reduce the weight at least 3 to 4 times.
● Third, rest for about 30-60 seconds between sets.
Now that you know the basics of performing drop sets with weights, let's take a look at how to incorporate drop sets without weights.
How To Do A Drop Set Without Weights
While drop sets are traditionally done with weights, you can quickly adapt them for use with bodyweight exercises.
This makes them a great option if you work out at home with minimal equipment.
Plus, they're a great way to increase the intensity of your workouts and help you build strength and muscle.
Now, let's dive in to how to do drop sets with no weights.
● First Choose a bodyweight exercise that allows you to perform multiple reps, such as push-ups, pull-ups, or squats.
● Perform the chosen exercise to failure (the point at which you can no longer complete a rep with proper form).
● Immediately reduce your body weight/resistance and continue until failure.
For example, if you're doing band push-ups and you fail at 20 reps, remove the band and continue to muscle failure, then drop down to your knees to reduce your body weight/resistance and continue to muscle failure.
Remember, There are plenty of ways to effectively use drop sets without using weights. you just have to be a little creative.
But If creativity is not your thing you can tap the image below to find the best diet and training program for you and let us help guide you on your journey with our elite proven process.
How To Do A Proper Push-Up
Before we get to this CHEST WORKOUT AT HOME NO EQUIPMENT NEEDED, I just want to be 100% sure your push-up game is on point.
If you're an O.G. feel free to skip to the next section.
To everyone else, here's a quick refresher on how To perform a push-up:
- Lie face down on the floor with your hands shoulder-width apart and your feet hip-width apart.
- Your elbows should be between a 30-60 degree angle (like an airplane).
- Press your hands into the floor to push your body up, be sure not to lock out your elbows.
- Lower your chest toward the ground, then repeat.
Pro Tip: Keep your core engaged and your back straight throughout the movement.
Modifier: You can modify the movement by dropping to your knees if regular push-ups are too challenging.
Alright now that you're a push-up pro, let's build a big chest with this chest workout at home.
The Push-Up Vertical Drop Set Workout
For this chest workout at home NO EQUIPMENT, we're going to keep it simple but ratchet up the intensity.
So, you're going to do push-ups with vertical drop sets.
This is perfect chest workout for anyone who doesn't have access to weights or other equipment, because all you need is your body weight, a little space, and a stable platform like your stairs.
How To Do The Push-Up Vertical Drop Set
The vertical drop set starts with you performing as many traditional push-ups as possible.
Once you reach muscle failure (one to three reps before you can't do anymore push-ups with good form), you immediately decrease the resistance by putting your body at an incline (stairs are you best bet).
Then you complete as many push ups as possible.
After failing again, you increase the incline once more (go Up another steP), and do as many push-ups as possible.
Finally, after reaching failure a third time, go up as high as possible on the steps and continue your push-ups until failure once more.
That's it! now Complete as many rounds as possible to produce a surge in your body's metabolism.
This workout is great for targeting your chest, shoulders, triceps, and core muscles.
It's a crazy intense chest PUSH UP workout at home that will leave you feeling exhausted but also accomplished.
Give it a try next time you're looking for a challenging workout at home!
Chest workout at home no weights: wrap-up
Alright ladies and gents, today We laid out an effective chest PUSH UP workout at home that you can DO with no weights.
We also made you aware of the limits of the 8-12 rep range and introduced you to a simple technique called drop sets to help you increase the intensity of your chest workout at home.
But remember, drop sets can be extremely taxing on your central nervous system so be sure to start slowly and build up the intensity as you get stronger.
If you try this chest workout at home no equipment needed, be sure to drop a comment below.
Alright, that's all I got for today.
Until next time...
The juice is worth the squeeze.
Signing out
Joe G - Your Elite Health and Physique Leader