So, you're stuck at home, and you want to build lean muscle, shed that extra layer of fat, and feel confident about your health.
You're not exactly sure where to start or even worse you don't know how to put together a program that's easily designed to produce meaningful results (and that's okay, because you're most likely not a certified personal trainer).
By the way, I'm talking about those...
- head turning (damn who's that?)
- question asking (have you been working out?)
- and pant size dropping (can't fit into these anymore) results
And while building your physique and looking good is what we all desire, it's not all about vanity because moving your body through space with strength and hypertrophy training is necessary to maintain your
- Health
- Wellness
- and produce a surge in your body's metabolism that allows you to eat more of the foods you enjoy.
With that said, in this article I'll share a simple but highly effective full body workout that will build muscle mass in less time while only using a set of dumbbells.
And don't worry, by the end of your workout you'll feel the surge in your body's metabolism and it will also help you sleep like a baby.
By the way, if you want a proven process diet and training program with step-by-step guidance...click below to take our FREE Health and Physique quiz to gets started today.
First Exercise: Dumbbell Front Squat

Alright you ready to work?
Let's go!
Dumbbell front squats are an easy and effective exercise to help you
- Build your quads and glutes
- develop more muscular abs
- and improve your overall full-body stability.
It's a multi-joint, lower body strength exercise that targets your quads (the muscles on the front of your legs), glutes (your butt) and hamstrings (muscles on the back of your leg between your butt and your knee).
This movement also forces your body to release excess testosterone that helps
- Speed up your muscle growth
- And increases your sex drive
Now that you know the benefits, let's break down this exercise.
In this movement, you'll need two dumbbells.
- Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.
- Toes pointed out 10-30°.
- raise and hold the dumbbells on your shoulders with your elbows held high.
- Keeping your head up, squat down between your hips.
- Squat down until your hips are parallel to the floor.
- Push through the floor with your heels to get back up to the starting position while slightly pushing your knees out.
Repetitions: Do this exercise for 12-15 reps before going directly into the next exercise without rest.
Elite Form Tip: Make sure you keep your elbows high and do not let them drop. Keep your heels on the ground throughout the motion.
Target muscles:
- Hamstrings
- Glutes
- Quads
- Abdominal muscles/ abs
Second exercise: DUMBBELL SIDE LUNGE

The next movement in your weight training for beginners at home workout is the dumbbell side lunge.
This movement is normally overlooked when it comes to building a quality physique, but the truth is dumbbell side lunges are great for developing your balance and working the tiny muscles fibers of your hips, quads, and your feet.
So, if you haven't done these before...you will be sore in your groin area because it forces you to stretch, fire, and balance all in one simple movement so you can build and tone your physique in less time.
So, what's the right way to do dumbbell side lunges?
Let's break it down....
First, grab and hold the dumbbells at your sides with feet waist width apart.
also, be sure to stick your chest up to create a tiny arch in your lower back.
- Next, take a big step to the right, so your feet are wide apart.
- Your toes should remain facing forward.
- Next, lower your body and lean slightly over your right knee.
- While lowering your body into the squat position, make sure you push your hips backwards.
- as you lower body to the ground Your knee should not go over your toes.
- Push your heels through the floor to bring yourself back to the starting position
- After completing one repetition with your right leg, repeat the movement with your left leg to complete one rep.
Repetitions: Do this exercise for 12-15 reps while alternating legs.
Remember you're not taking a full rest after this movement; you'll be putting the dumbbells down and moving your body through space with your next weight training for beginners at home exercise.
Elite Form Tip: Keep in mind that your body position should not change suddenly as you begin to lunge. also, be sure your shoulders and hips face forward throughout the movement.
Target muscles:
- Glutes (muscle of hip)
- Quadriceps and Hamstrings
- Adductors (inner thigh muscle)
Weight Training for Beginners at Home First Upper Body Exercise: Decline Push-Ups

The next movement in your weight training for beginners at home workout is the decline push-up.
A decline push-up is a progressive advanced variation of the push-up. It increases the difficulty significantly because your feet are higher than your hands.
The additional weight from gravity will help build and develop your pecs (chest), biceps and triceps more than standard push-ups will.
In addition to enhancing your physique, decline push-ups also:
- Give your cardiac and respiratory systems a boost.
- And increase your body's metabolic waste excretion
So, what's the right way to do a decline push-up?
- Place your feet on a bench slightly inside hip width.
- Walk your hands out until your torso is parallel to the ground.
- With elbows facing a 30-degree angle, bend your elbows to lower your chest until it's just above the floor.
- Once your chest is right above the ground, look up slightly for a full range of motion.
- Push yourself back up to the starting position but make sure your elbow is not locked
- Keep your body aligned and use a smooth, controlled motion throughout.
Elite Form Tip: To maximize muscle growth, slowly lower your body to the ground to focus on the negative portion of the movement. then push up at a regular rate.
Repetition: Do this exercise for 12-15 reps.
Target muscles:
- Biceps
- Triceps
- Abs
- Shoulder
- Chest muscles
Second Upper Body Exercise: Incline Push-Ups

The next movement in your weight training for beginners at home workout is the incline push-up.
The beauty of the incline push up is that it builds your pectoral muscles and upper body strength without putting excess stress on your shoulders as traditional dips do.
How do you do incline push-ups?
Firstly, you need a bench fixed to the ground or something placed against the wall to ensure it won't move.
- Now put your hands on the edge of the bench shoulder width apart.
- Your hands should grip the bench to avoid losing grip or falling off during the exercise.
- Your feet should be inside hip width so you can lean forward on the bench.
- Slowly push yourself up while holding the bench with your hands.
- Slowly lower your body until your chest touches the bench.
- Now push yourself back up to the starting position.
Elite Form Tip: Your starting position should be with your body close to the bench with arms bent and elbow angled at 30 degrees.
Repetition: Perform this exercise for 12-15 reps
now you can finally rest for 1-2 minutes before repeating this anywhere from 2-12 sets (depending on your starting point).
Weight Training for Beginners at Home: Wrap Up
Alright ladies and gents...
I hope you enjoyed this weight training for beginners at home workout.
If you're looking to take control of your health and build your physique but you don't know where to start...
These exercises are easy to perform with minimal equipment which means you don't have to go to the gym to build your physique.
Instead, you can minimize your risk during these crazy times and feel better about the way you look.
Remember, this is just the start, and you need to progress your workouts to see REAL results. That is where MOST people stall.
You won't' have that problem.
Because now you know what TO DO and what NOT TO DO.
All that's left for you now...
Is to get it done.
And if you need a personalized proven process diet and training program with guidance, click the image above to take our FREE health and physique quiz to find the best program to help you take control of your health and build your physique for good.
Alright, that's all I have for today.
But I want to hear from you.
What are your thoughts on this weight training for beginners at home workout?
Drop your thoughts or comments below.
Until next time, signing out...
Joe G - Take Control of Your Health. Build Your Physique
P.S. - If you want to try our brand-new Elite University self-paced course on how to take control of your health and build your physique click here to register. We'll be launching Elite University on 12/27/21 and you don't want to miss out!