Best core workouts for men:
4 Best Core workouts for men + HIIT ROUtine
Best core workouts for men at Home?
If that's what you're looking for, then you're on the right page!
and i'll start by saying...
The best core workouts for men are those that contain four exercises that target each different area of your abdominal muscles.
hands down, that's how you get the best results for your abs!
now that you understand that principle...
but first...
if you're looking for the best core workouts for men at home with a step-by-step proven process so you can increase core stability, obliterate belly fat, and build rock hard abs
click the image below to get our elite muscle focus six pack abs program.

Best core workouts for men: why your core muscles are important

If you're brand new here...first and foremost welcome.
secondly, you should know we strongly believe that
- first health comes first
- second SImplicity wins
so, with that being said...
- The simplest indicator of overall health and longevity is a height-to-waist ratio of one-half your height in inches.[check the research here]
- and the simplest indicator of overall fitness is a well defined core.
Those are the two most important reasons to focus on you core muscles!
but of course we won't stop there.
Your core muscles make-up your entire support system.
that's because your core muscles are postural muscles that have to stay flexed for long periods to support your spine.
and if your core muscles are weak and underdeveloped then....
- your posture
- your balance
- and your overall stability will suffer
what does all this mean?
well, again, let's keep it simple...
you need to focus and build core strength before you focus on building strength in any other part of your body.
and this is what that the best core workouts for men address if they're programmed correctly.
Best core workouts for men:
what your core muscles do

so, we covered why your core muscles matter and hopefully you understand the importance of a strong core beyond having a ripped midsection.
now, let's transition into what your core muscles actually do.
your core muscles play a major role in your everyday activities from...
- getting out of bed
- to standing upright
- to walking to your car
- to bending down to pick something up off the floor etc
Your core muscles help stabilize your body in every movement you make.
So, as you engage in Core workouts you train specific muscles in your:
- pelvis
- low back
- hips and your abdominals to work together as a unit.
This leads to better balance and overall stability.
so, whether you're an athlete training for competition, or you desire a ripped midsection, or you just want to improve the function of your daily activities in life...
it all hinges on stable core muscles.
Best core workouts for men:
4 Best COre WOrkouts For Men

Alright, now you understand why your core muscles are important and what your core muscles actually do.
now, let's dive into the 4 best core workouts for men at home.
and to keep things simple, the following 4 exercises are arranged from a difficulty level of high to low.
Band Mountain Climbers

when it comes to the best core workouts for men, intense strength training, is the only way to cause your abs to grow and your core to strengthen.
And not many abdominal exercises combine resistance, overall core stability, plus high intensity like band mountain climbers.
the combination causes a positive surge in your body's metabolic activity that will leave you gassed and burning calories for up to 48 hours.
side plank reach throughs

fun fact!
Did you know muscle fibers function differently even within the same muscle group?
for example, the upper rectus abdominis and the lower rectus abdominis function differently.
this is why sticking to the basics is not enough to optimize core muscles or any individual muscle development for that matter.
so, it's key to Implement many exercises that attack muscles at multiple angles, different cadences, rep ranges, and volume prescriptions for optimal muscle growth and density.
and with that being said, next on the list of the best core workouts for men is the side plank reach through.
this exercise relentlessly attacks each muscle fiber of your core and will also give your shoulders a nice little run for their money, honey!
exercise ball crunch

if you're not a technique technician... you should be.
because a simple twist in your wrist while performing a dumbbell incline biceps curl can be the difference between massive biceps peaks and mediocre ones.
another example of exercise technique and muscle development is the dip.
when dips are performed with a forward lean and elbows out, you target more of your lower chest.
when dips are performed while you're straight up and down, then you target your triceps and less of your lower chest.
so, on the road to take control of your health and build your physique, it pays to check your technique!
this third exercise in the best core workouts for men adds a slight twist in technique to more efficiently stress your upper abs by adding an exercise ball to an all familiar friend, the crunch.
This oldie but goodie is brought back to life with a simple twist and little more burn.
Be sure to add this into your next core workout routine.
reaching crossover crunch

teamwork makes the dream work!
when it comes to muscles this rings TRue.
Muscles are designed to work together (also called synergism) to perform movement patterns and produce force.
therefore, muscles aren't designed to work in isolation so for the average person, you can achieve a decent physique with the core basic lifts.
if you want to put some respect on your physique you'll need unnatural isolation exercises and intensity to fully maximize your physique's potential.
and that's where the reaching crossover crunch comes in.
This simple but effective exercise targets your upper abs, obliques, and your core in one swift motion.
it looks simple...but it delivers a slow and constant burn.
so, don't sleep on the reaching crossover crunch.
Best Core WOrkouts FOr Men AT HOME:
8 mIn HIIT Routine

Alright, so you made it this far!
by now, you know three things:
- you know why your core muscles are important
- you know exactly what they do.
- you know 4 of the best core workouts for men.
now, it's time to build core strength by packaging the 4 best core workouts for men into an 8 minute ab routine.
This is a short but intense 8 minute HIgh Intensity Interval training (HIIT) core workout that you can do from almost anywhere.
that's right, with this core workout, we're giving you zero excuses!
you ready to go?
Alright, well let's work!
Best Core Workouts For Men AT HOME 8 Min HIIt ROutine: Band Mountain climbers

The first exercise in the best core workout for men is band mountain climbers
These are great for targeting your lower abs because you drive your legs toward your chest
these are also great for building core endurance because holding the plank position forces you to stabilize your core for the entire movement.
Best Core Workouts For Men 8 min hiit Routine:
how to do Band Mountain climbers

- Secure resistance Band around an immovable object.
- Secure each foot individually into resistance band handles
- start in the plank position
- drive your right knee toward your right pectoral muscle then return to starting position and repeat with your left knee.
PRO TIP: try to keep your butt down and engage your core muscles throughout the entire movement.
Repetition and intervals: Do this for 20 seconds
Target muscles:
Lower abdominals
Core muscles
Best Core Workouts For Men 8 mIn HIIT ROutine: Exercise Ball Crunch

The second exercise in the core workout for men is the exercise ball crunch
These are great for targeting your upper abs because you drive your shoulders up and forward toward your navel.
these are also great for building core stability because holding the exercise ball forces you to stabilize your core throughout the movement.
Best core workouts for men 8 min Hiit Routine:
How To DO Exercise Ball Crunches

- Grab an exercise ball and Lay face up on the floor with arms extended above your head.
- raise your legs and bend your knees to form a 90 degree angle
- Contract your abs, flex your spine, and raise your shoulders forwards and towards the sky
- Squeeze your abs and pause at the top of the crunch
- slowly lower your body back to the starting position and repeat.
PRO TIP: try to keep your head neck and torso in line during the movement. You can do this by fixating your eyes on a spot directly above you.
Repetition and intervals: Do this for 20 seconds
Target muscles:
Upper Abs
COre Muscles
Best core workouts for men 8 min Hiit Routine:
reaching crossover crunch

The third exercise in the best core workout for men is the reaching crossover crunch
These are great for targeting your obliques because you drive your shoulders and arms forward toward your navel and across your body toward your opposite knee .
these are also great for building core stability because your core is engaged from start to finish during this exercise.
Best core workouts for men 8 min Hiit Routine:
How to DO reaching crossover crunches

- Lie face-up on your back with knees bent and heels flat on the floor.
- Contract your abs, flex your spine, and raise your right shoulder as you reach your right arm across your body above your left knee.
- Squeeze your core and pause at the top of the contraction
- slowly lower your body back to the starting position and repeat with your left arm.
PRO TIP: try to keep your head neck and torso in line during the movement. You can do this by fixating your eyes on a spot directly above you.
Repetition and intervals: Do this for 20 seconds
Target muscles:
upper abs
Best core workouts for men 8 min Hiit Routine:
SIde Plank Reach Through

The fourth exercise in the best core workout for men is the side plank reach through
These are great for targeting all four regions of your abs while stabilizing your core throughout the movement.
Best core workouts for men 8 min Hiit Routine:
how to do SIde Plank Reach Throughs

- Get into the plank position.
- Turn your torso sideways and raise your left arm to the sky
- Bring your left arm down and reach behind your armpit across your torso.
- slowly return your left arm to the floor and repeat with your right arm.
PRO TIP: try to keep your butt down when you return to the plank position. also be sure to keep your torso in-line as you pivot with this exercise.
Repetition and intervals: Do this for 20 seconds
Target muscles:
REctus abdominis
Transverse abdominis
Best core workouts for Men: wrap up

oooweee, that burns!
I hope you loved and hated every minute of it plus got everything you came for.
I try to give you more of the best information for free than others might charge you for to help you take control of your health and build your physique with confidence.
if you enjoyed this best core workouts for men 8 min hiit routine...
please drop a comment below and let me know what you think.
and if you're ready to take control of your health and build your physique by following a proven process
tap the image below to take our free health and physique quiz to learn your phenotype and get the best diet and training program for you.
Alright, that's All for today.
Until next time...
The juice is worth the squeeze.
signing out,
Joe G - your health and physique Leader