Big arms workout: Ultimate Guide to sleeve stretching big arm workouts
big arms workout?
if you're looking for a big arms workout routine...i feel your pain
why? well because...
all that extra room in your shirt sleeve is not a good look!
s0, stick around because in this article I'm going to lay out 6 effective arm exercises that you can use to add to your workout for bigger arms.
Big Arms Workout: 2 Keys To Build Big Arms

alright ladies and gents before we get to what you came here for, i'm going to lay it on you straight forward.
If you want to build bigger arms you have to do 2 things:
- the principles that build and sculpt sleeve stretching arms.
- 2.follow the principles that build and sculpt sleeve stretching arms (in my humble opinion #2 is the hardest)
By doing so, you'll be able to override your pride and emotions and follow your intellect during your workouts to get real results.
It all goes back to the old cliche "know the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist."
an by the end of this article you'll know exactly what to focus on to build big arms fast.
you ready? Let's go!
Big Arms Workout: Anatomy Of Your Triceps

First and foremost, your triceps has three heads located on the back of your upper arm and they're called:
- the lateral head
- the long head
- and the medial head
all three heads meet at one tendon that crosses your elbow and attaches at your ulna.
If you're a thinking man or woman, you can quickly see that your triceps (tri = meaning three) makes up two-thirds of your upper arm.
being armed (yup, a little pun intended) with this information, you can focus the majority of your efforts on exercises that target your triceps first, because they will give you big arms faster.
Big Arms Workout: Function Of Your Triceps

the function of your triceps muscle is rather simple.
Its job is to assist in extending your elbow.
So, contracting your triceps results in your arm extending as if you were hammering a nail.
to drill this home...
I'll share with you an old song my high school football coach would make the lineman sing right before their contact drills.
and it goes a little something like...
"ohhhhhhh, I'd rather be a hammer than a nail. Ohhhhhh, yes I would, If i only could!"
So, next time you're struggling to get your workout for bigger arms in...
SIng that song to motivate yourself to get it done!
Compound Exercises For Triceps

To target your triceps effectively you have to understand that there are two types of movements that you can use.
the first being compound triceps exercises.
THese exercises involve extension at the elbow and also assistance from your shoulder (an accessory muscle in this case because it helps the primary muscle your triceps but it isn't your focus).
the two most common Examples of compound triceps exercises are:
- Close grip Bench PRess
- Triceps Dips
Isolation Exercises For Triceps

The second type of movement you can use to target your triceps effectively is
Isolation triceps movements
THe difference with isolation triceps exercises is that they only involve extension at the elbow with zero assistance from your accessory muscles.
This means, that you can strictly focus on your triceps and disregard all other muscles with tight form.
the two most common Examples of isolation triceps exercises are:
- Dumbbell triceps overhead extension
- dumbbell triceps kickbacks
Big Arms Workout: Anatomy Of Your Biceps

Next up, your biceps has two heads located on the front of your upper arm called:
- the long head (outer head - attaches further back on scapula)
- The short head (inner head - attaches closer on scapula]
together these two heads are called your biceps brachii.
both biceps heads meet at one tendon that attaches at your radius.
If you're a thinking man or woman, you can quickly see that your biceps (bi = meaning two) takes up less surface area on your upper arms.
Big Arms Workout: Function Of Your Biceps

the function of your biceps muscle is rather simple.
Its job is to cause flexion of your elbow.
So, as you contract your biceps it results in flexion of your elbow, like when you're holding your dinner plate.
Compound Exercises For Biceps

when it comes to compound exercises for biceps, we're limited baby, because there's only one true compound exercise:
- THe underhand chin-up
this movement, is also highly effective for targeting your back, which is why it's beneficial to target both your back and biceps during the same workout.
Isolation Exercises For Biceps

LIke I alluded to in the previous section, when it comes to big arm workouts for biceps you should focus mainly on isolation biceps exercises.
the most common isolation exercises for biceps are:
- Barbell Curl (Long head of biceps)
- Hammer curl (brachioradialis)
- Preacher curl (Short Head)
an important side note: the brachioradialis is part of your forearm but it lies underneath your biceps, so developing this muscle with hammer curls, helps improve the appearance of your biceps size.
Bonus: Hand Placement For Big Biceps

the secret sauce for big arm workouts when it comes to building your biceps is hand placement.
hands down (yup, a little more pun for you) understanding how your hand placement targets different areas of your biceps can be the difference between tightly developed muscle and mediocre biceps muscle development.
but because i don't want to overload you with every variation in this short article
I'll give you two quick examples of how hand position for barbell curls target different parts of your biceps.
Barbell Curl underhand close grip: will put more stress on the long head of the biceps to give you a greater biceps peak.
barbell curl underhand wide grip: will put more stress on the short head of the biceps to give you more thickness when it's viewed from the side.
there are plenty more hand variations and angles you can use to target different areas of your biceps, but starting with just these two, will be more than enough to power-up your next workout for big arms.
6 Exercises For A Big Arms Workout Routine: Supinated Close Grip Bench Press

WHen it comes to building big arms, it's best to focus on your triceps and start your workout with a compound movement.
This exercise meets both of those requirements.
How to DO supinated Close Grip Bench Press:
Lie on a bench face up and grasp the bar with an underhand grip slightly inside shoulder width.
Slowly lower the bar to your chest then press the bar back up to full arm extension but just before your elbow locks out.
Complete 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps
6 Exercises For A Big Arms Workout Routine: Bar DIps

the second best compound exercise to add to your next arm day is the dip.
This exercise best targets your triceps when your torso is upright as opposed to learning forward.
How to DO dips:
grab the bars with your arms extended
while keeping your elbows as close to your body as possible, Slowly bend your elbows to lower body until your elbows form a 90 degree angle. then forcefully press your hands into the bars to push yourself back into the starting position.
Complete 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps
6 Exercises For A Big Arms Workout Routine: Cable Triceps Extensions

the third exercise to add to your next arm day is the cable triceps extension.
this is the first isolation exercise for your triceps.
This exercise best targets your triceps when your elbows are positioned slightly in front of your chest.
How to DO cable lying triceps extension:
lie face-up on a bench and grab the pulley with an overhand grip and hold your hands directly over your head.
maintain your upper arms at a 90 degree angle to your torso and lower the bar to your forehead then extend your arms to lift the bar back up to fully extend your triceps.
Complete 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps
6 Exercises For A Big Arms Workout Routine: Seated Barbell Biceps Curl

if you've been paying attention up until this point, you know that direct biceps development comes down to isolation exercises.
and that means, you only want the biceps to work while minimizing all other accessory muscles.
SO, in this first exercise The seated barbell curl, we're taking out the momentum that you can generate from hip drive while standing up.
yeah buddy, no pain = no gain.
How to perform seated barbell biceps curl:
sit on a short bench. Grab a barbell with an underhand shoulder-width grip and rest the barbell on your thighs. Curl the weight toward your shoulders and squeeze the contraction at the top of the movement, then slowly lower the weight and repeat.
Complete 3-4 sets for 8-12 reps
6 Exercises For A Big Arms Workout Routine: Lying Neutral Grip Cable Biceps Curl

Ready to make your arms pop from the side?
Neutral grip curls will help develop your brachialis muscle which lies beneath your biceps. once developed it can press your biceps up to add thickness from the side.
HOw to DO LYing neutral grip cable biceps curl:
Lie face up on a bench of a pulley machine. grab rope pulley with a neutral grip and lean back until your back is on the bench.
Keeping your elbows close to your torso curl the rope toward your chest while keeping your elbows at 90 degrees and squeeze at the top of the contraction, slowly lower weight to start position and repeat.
Complete 3-4 sets for 8-12 reps
6 Exercises For A Big Arms Workout Routine: Incline Cable Curl

THe incline cable curl is great for the following two reasons:
- using gravity to fully lengthen your biceps
- creating constant tension on the muscle by using the cable pulley
how to do incline cable curl:
grab an adjustable bench and set the back pad to a 45 degree angle. then adjust the seat slightly upwards. grasp the handles on the pulley machine and place your arms down by your sides. Curl both arms or one arm at a time towards your shoulders. SLowly return the handles to the starting position.
Complete 3-4 sets for 8-12 reps
Big Arms Workout: Wrap UP

if you've made it this far, you now know a lot about putting together a big arm workout.
and we want to know what you got out of the big arms workout ultimate guide.
so, Be sure to drop a comment below.
And if you want to build big arms by following a simple proven process, tap the image below to take our free health and physique quiz to get the best diet and training program for you
alright, that's all i got for today
until next time...
the juice is worth the squeeze.
Joe G - Your Elite Health And Physique Leader