harness the power of having tasty done-for-you nutrient dense plant based meals with every SINGLE calorie, carb, fat, & Protein selected to help you proactively rebuild your health, using simple, readily available, natural foods and Vegan Weight Loss Meal Plan.
Eat more plants will give you the knowledge and tools you need to take control of your health naturally.

Did you know TWO-THIRDS OF PEOPLE WHO LOSE WEIGHT PUT EVERYTHING THEY'VE LOST RIGHT BACK ON? it's true, some people put more weight on then when they initially started!
LET'S BE HONEST, here's the way things probably are right now with your nutrition...
It's not good but it's not that bad either. chances are you're trying to EAT HEALTHY and you see good results initially, but that weight loss plateau always seems to pop-up and stall your progress. you're not sure how many meals or calories you eat in the first place, which means you end up spinning your wheels trying to "figure out" how to lose the same 10-20lbs over and over again.
So, you do what you've always done. You add in 4 or 5 cardio sessions per week, stock pile boring meal after boring meal with a bland salad for lunch, and a granola or protein bar for snack. and it works...for about a week or two, then you realize it's not really that sustainable. this leads to overeating on the weekends and before you know it, you're back at square one. This cycle plays on repeat until you can't stomach to see that extra weight around your abs, waist, and thighs in the mirror and you dread seeing the number on the scale. so, you start to feed yourself false beliefs about why YOU can't and why others can reach their health and physique goals even if you are using vegetarian meal plan for weight loss.
Now, Imagine what your relationship with your nutrition would look like if...
Well, it doesn't have to be a fantasy ANYMORE it can be your reality!
If you're tired of "mind-numbing" gimmicks, pills, powders, shakes, & cleanses that are nothing more than empty promises & slick marketing and you're ready to finally find a solution that is based on years of hard work, science, and not hype!
then I have a solution for you....
THE Eat more plants cook book
the simple and tasty plant based cookbook to help you effortlessly rebuild your health, using simple, natural, & flavorful foods.
but maybe you’re thinking...this is too good to be true . After all, this is a marketing page for a health & fitness brand.
plus...Meal plans & diet plans are a DIME A DOZEN, right? wrong! let me tell you flat out, our mission as a brand is to help you...
take control of your health
build your physique
& join a tribe we like to call "the Elite"
the last thing we'd rely on is “hype-marketing” leading to little or no results and an upset tribe.
that's a "N0-no!"
THE ELIte health AND physique difference
Traditional cookbooks
celebrity endorsed fad diet books
written by non-fitness experts or registered dietitians.
exotic ingredients and multiple steps
deliver complex & time consuming recipes "exotic" & hard to find ingredients overly expensive ingredients
no clear direction given
not specifically designed to take you step-by-step through the stages of your health & physique transformation! no follow-up or at best dumped into a Facebook group with no real one-on-one support!
Eat more plants cookbook
Professional Health Touch
professionally crafted for you by a registered dietitian & health & fitness expert which means you get what actually works and not just a bunch of theory.
Simple and savory recipes
simple & healthy done-for-you recipes delivered in a clear & actionable way to keep you on target & motivated so you don't have to piece together an arsenal of quick, healthy, and tasty meals.
do it yourself or get the guidance you need
more than just a blueprint...we guide you through it, with the option for a one-on-one consult and weekly check-ins. because no matter how perfectly we lay it out, we're all different and may require a few adjustments to get started!
luckily, Now You Can Join HUNDREDS of THE ELITE Around the Country Who Are taking control of their health, SHREDDING pounds, BUILDING Muscle, & Melting Inches Off Their Stubborn Fat Areas WITH OUR eat more plants cookbook

Hey, I’m Joe G.
between building a tribe of Elite, being a personal trainer, & nurse It's a must I maintain my health & physique because I believe in the practice what you preach principle.
But the reality is this...just like you, I'm a husband, father, son, brother, & a friend who loves to enjoy the best times in life with the people who matter most! and....10 times out of 10 this includes delicious food.
And for most people, balancing the two creates a lot of anxiety, confusion, & frustration!
in working with hundreds of clients I've found that most people restrict their diet and their social life so badly that they break, over-indulge, & turn a meal out into a month of binge eating & sabotage their progress.
so, if you're finally ready to jump off the rollercoaster, then I'm going to show you how to switch to a healthy sustainable lifestyle & make sure you have the proper tools to navigate your way to any goal, whether you need to improve your health, lose fat, gain muscle, or maintain your weight.

Over The Past 4 Plus Years I Personally Developed & Streamlined A The Best Plant-Based Meals For Myself & During The Past 2 1/2 Years I've Been Sharing These Vegan Weight Loss Meal Plan Recipes With One-To-One Clients In The Elite Proven Process Online Training Program & The Results & Feedback Have Been Life Changing.
so, I took it one step further and brought on Marcia (a registered dietitian) to help put together plant-based cookbook and ensure the highest quality of ingredients to make sure you not only look sexy or ripped in your new physique but you also improve your health, and healthy eating habits in the process.
But don't just take my word for it...

Kristen Hawes Hey Joe, I just wanted to let you know that since about the time I set-up the meal plan I started dieting not fully exercising but I dropped bread, wheat, pizza, fast food and pasta and I have almost lost 50 lbs. So, I wanted to say thank you for Elite Health And Physique University!
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Manny Juarez Man you got me wanting to visit Liberia with that Liberian scramble this morning! Lol. That was legit...even my little dude ate it...Hahaha
Like • Reply • 48w

Erika Gaznick Omg I made the chia pudding last night and made it for breakfast it was soooo good.
Like • Reply • 36w

Idelsy Infante Morning. I just saw the new plant based meal plan and guide. I have tears of joy because of those recipes. Thank you!!
Like • Reply • 18w

Shaun Hanson I just made my shake too with cinnamon for a snack that shit is incredibly good. Did you come up with that?
Like • Reply • 12w

Mark Matheson Jr. Today is one year plant based!
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REady to Level Up Your health?
with the Eat more plants Cookbook you’ll GET EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO take control of your health
DIRECTLY in the palm of your hand using our app
25 Professional high quality plant-based recipes
simple, healthy, & mouth-watering recipes to speed up your health & physique goals.

you can specifically craft any recipe to fit your individual calorie needs.
detailed nutritional information
no more guess work all you have to do is follow the recipes

Simple to follow ingredient list with detailed step-by-step cooking directions.
shopping list & Meal Planner
we jam pack every last detail into every meal to save you time, energy, & effort.

simply pull out your app while you shop or print out your list to take with you.
Special bonuses included
1. the 9 elite health principles to enjoy a healthy lifestyle

2. discover the natural foods that will help you optimize your health from a- z
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if you're struggling to improve your health, I'll share a secret with you...
cook or no cook, The key to better health and the physique you desire resides in the kitchen. it's the 80/20 rule at its finest, whether you want to lose fat, gain muscle, decrease stress, or anything in-between..."you are what you eat!"
it doesn't have to be so frustrating
our expert guidance will remove the frustration and confusion out of a healthy plant-based lifestyle.
you don't have to eat boring & bland meals over & over again.
Each recipe boasts simple ingredients that combine for robust flavor.
and you don't have to deprive yourself of your favorite foods
learn to eat the right healthy treats and sweets which keep you on track to hitting your goals.