How do I start eating healthy?
Great question!
luckily, You're in the right place.
And just like a healthy home cooked meal, good information should be savored, consumed slowly, and enjoyed with family and friends.

So, if you find this article useful, share it with someone you care about!
ok, you ready to go?
Here's everything we'll dive into below.
- Do I need to start eating healthy?
- Which foods are actually healthy?
- What foods should I avoid or eat less of?
- Can I drink alcohol as part of a healthy diet?
- How many calories do I need to eat healthy?
But first...
If you're ready to start your journey today, take our health and physique quiz and learn how to eat healthy with a personalized nutrition program and guidance to help you reach your goals!
Alright, enough said. Let's get to it.
it's time to explore what you came here for...
DO I NEED to start eating HEALTHY?
The short answer is...Yes!
But don't worry, I wont stop there because if you're like me, your inner 5-year-old keeps asking..."WHY?....why?....why?"

so, with your inner 5-year-old in mind...
Why do you need to eat a healthy diet?
simply put, eating Healthy food gives your body a surge of energy, strengthens your heart, builds muscle, boosts bone strength, and improves your brain activity.
Aye! so how long does this all take?
well, Eating healthy foods can improve your health in as little as 7-21 days and it can also improve your health for the next 7 - 21 years!
Yup. Longevity rules. oh, And so does O'Doyle...Thanks Billy Madison!

so, Now that you understand WHY you need to eat a healthy diet.
your the next step is to find out exactly which foods are actually healthy for you to eat.
because let's be honest here's a ton of information out here, but finding the right information isn't easy.
and just in case you need an example take a look at this health claim below.

you see, clever marketing like this makes it super important for you to be able to identify real healthy foods.
and just in case you have no clue, I'm going to outline the foods that you should be eating on a daily basis below.
let's begin.
first things first, simply eating more fruits and vegetables can help prevent heart disease, strokes, and even prevent certain types of cancers.
So your first task is to just eat more fruit and vegetables.
yes, it's true. a simple style always wins!
ok, ready to find out how much fruit and vegetables you should be eating?
Alright, But first...
Remember when you were a child, and you would hear that lovely voice at breakfast, lunch, and dinner (maybe even snack time, if you were really special) that would always ask..."Did you eat all of your fruits and vegetables?"

Annoying, I know.
and It can be hard to admit, but your Mom was right. You need to eat more plants (shameless plug) with EVERY meal.
That means you should eat fruits and veggies at breakfast, lunch, dinner, and sometimes even snack.
But Joe, What If I'm too busy and don't have time to slice and dice fruits and veggies all day?
No. Love. Lost.
I get your grind, I see your hustle, and I even understand your laziness (no, seriously. It happens).
but there's an often overlooked solution you can use to get enough fruits and veggies when you don't have time.
You ready for it?
Eat them frozen or canned instead!

Bam! Boom!
Yup, Just like that. Problem solved.
So, what does your Doc say about all this...?
well, Doctors normally recommend eating about 2.5 servings of vegetables and about 2 servings of fruit minimum EVERY day!
be sure to get yours.
Looking to protect yourself from heart disease or strokes? Eating healthy foods high in fiber can help with that.
Suffering from type 2 diabetes? guess what? high fiber foods can help you control your blood sugar levels.
having problems regulating your bowel patterns? again, a fiber rich diet can help improve your digestion.
Yup. Fiber is ferociously trying to keep you strong and healthy. just like our friend "Joe black" below.

can you believe these beasts only eat plants? anyway...
so, where do you get more fiber?
Foods full of fiber include vegetables, fruits, beans, nuts, oatmeal, and whole grain breads.
If you're new to improving your health and you want to know how to tell how much fiber is in your food. Check out this food label [link ].
so, What might your doctor recommend...?
well, normally Doctors recommend eating 25 to 36 grams of fiber EVERY day.
read that again because it's critical. especially if you're an American because on average we don't get NEARLY enough fiber daily.
Folate better known as folic acid is not the typical health vitamin you hear about. But it's super important because it helps prevent birth defects.

If you're a guy this may be news to you, if you're a female you may be well aware.
Either way, even if you're not "trying" to become pregnant it's important for women to get 400 mcg of folate daily.
So, where can you naturally get this vitamin?
Folate can be found in green leafy vegetables, oranges, and fortified foods like cereals etc.

From children and babies to teens and adults, calcium and vitamin D are needed to:
1.maintain and boost bone strength healthy muscle
and because you're an adult, we're going to focus on your needs.
You are an adult, right?
Okay, Just checking!
So, as an adult you need calcium and vitamin d to help prevent osteoporosis.
What's osteoporosis?
Glad you asked.
Well, it's a condition that causes bones to get "thin" and break more easily than usual.
simply put you become frail.
Kind of like...Mr. Glass (Great Movie by the way, go check it out).

So, where can you get more calcium and vitamin d?
Food high in calcium include: soybeans, Spinach, kale, white beans, and salmon
Food high in vitamin d include: salmon, tuna, and fortified drinks like orange juice and soy milk.
So what does your doctor say...?
Doctors normally recommend 1,000 to 1,200mg of calcium daily. and for vitamin D your doctor may recommend 600iu's daily, however the best practice is to have your vitamin D levels checked by your doctor to determine your specific needs.
so, what if you can't get nearly enough of these foods?
Don't worry, you can supplement.
Alright, let's move on.
when you think about protein, what's your first reaction?
if you thought..."Build Muscle"
Yup, you're right. Protein helps muscles grow big and stay strong, period.

next up, where should you get healthy sources of protein?
If you've been following us on social media for a while, you know I have an affinity for plants.
Don't worry though...
we're all about inclusion and leaving our biases at the door for the greater good!
and for all of you who have yet to cross over to the "Green-SIDE" (don't worry I'm coming for you!) I'm going to recommend the best sources of protein backed by the biomedical literature.
alright, they are...

When it comes starting something new, like eating healthy
sometimes it's just as important to know what NOT TO DO.
With that being said, let's look at the foods you should limit or avoid altogether when you start to eat healthy:
fats come in many different types and there's a lot of research to get bogged down in.
for that reason, I'm going to make it as simple as possible and highlight 2 fats that are quite "sus" (and If you're not hip yet, "sus" means...suspect).
ok, lets keep the party going.
1. Trans fats
Generally speaking, these are unhealthy fats. They can raise your cholesterol levels and increase your chance of developing heart disease.
got it?
so, how can you avoid or limit them?
Well, you need to know where to look to find these types of fats.
and luckily for you they're hiding in plain sight in foods such as:

one down. one to go.
next up....
2. Polyunsaturated fats
These types of fats can be healthy and may reduce your risk of developing heart disease, but it's important when you're trying to eat healthy to use the right types of polyunsaturated fats.
for example, when you cook you should use olive oil and canola oil instead of margarine etc.
the Bottom line is... if you want to eat a healthy diet for better health, you should avoid or limit these types of fats as much as possible.
in addition to fat, Sugar is in everything (ok, almost everything)!
but if your mission is to eat a healthy diet, it's important to limit or avoid sugar, sweets, and refined grains.
simple enough, right? Okay, now let's see exactly where these bad boys hang out.

1.Refined grains - these are in most packaged "snack" foods like pasta, white bread, and white rice
for the best results, try to replace these with whole wheat bread and brown rice because they have more fiber (remember, Fiber ferociously fights for your health).
2. Sugar filled drinks - Side stepping sweetened drinks like soda and sports drinks is also a step you can use to make eating healthy simpler for you!
as well as the above, When it comes to healthy eating research shows that eating a lot of red meat can increase your risk of specific health issues like heart disease and cancer.
the bottom line is to improve your health you should Limit or avoid red meat.
Can I drink alcohol as part of a healthy diet?

Ah, yes....the social organizer. But if you're trying to eat healthy, does alcohol really have a place in your diet?
hmmm.....Yes! and No!

wait, what?
I know, it's confusing but stay with me.
there is some research that highlights...For a slight few, drinking a little bit of alcohol each day might lower your chances of getting heart disease...Yay, right?!?...not really.

why? because the majority of the research shows that drinking alcohol can lead to health issues.
For example, research shows that women who have just 1 drink a day can increase their risk of getting breast cancer.
Alcohol also raises your chances of getting liver disease and certain types of cancers.
however, let's cut to the chase and see what your Doc has to say?
generally, doctors recommend you limit your alcohol intake to no more than 1 drink if you're a woman and no more than 2 drinks if you are a man, per day.
It's recommended for women to have one less drink than men because it takes longer for alcohol to break down in the female body.
How many calories do I need to eat healthy?

how many calories do you need to eat a healthy diet?
by this point in the article I hope calorie talk doesn't scare you away.
and don't worry, I'm not going to have you break out the calculator and turn this section into an algebra equation.
why not?
because in the beginning you only need to focus on cleaning up the little things I outlined above.
This way you build momentum and avoid overwhelm by tackling just one problem at a time.
but I will leave you with this, the total amount of calories you need each day depends on multiple factors such as:
aye! you made it, That was A LOT to digest (yes, that pun was planned).
but you're now equipped with the knowledge to start eating healthy the right way.
and before I go, I have a few options to help you on your journey to better health and a better physique.
1. if you're Looking to lose weight at-home with step-by-step workouts, a personalized nutrition plan by our registered dietitian, and guidance to get you faster results, click below for our elite proven process hers transformation program!
2. If you want to build muscle and shred fat with quick, effective 30-minute workouts, a healthy eating plan designed by our registered dietitian, and accountability to help you get it done, check out our elite proven process his transformation program below!
alright, I'm signing out.
but I'd love to read your thoughts on this beginner's guide to eating healthy.
what types of questions do you have about getting started?
don't be shy, drop your comments below!
- Joe G