Women: who want to lose 15, 30, or 50 plus pounds using a personalized step-by-step process
Finally, A beginners guide to eating healthy for personalized nutrition, and training program to help you tone lean muscle, shred fat, and improve your health!

Erika G, i.m. Nurse
Haverhill, mA
"I wanted to lose weight without doing crazy workouts. So, I needed to know exactly how much and what I should be eating. Elite health & physique gave me the tools (meal plans) to accomplish my goals. the best feeling though, is that I love that I fit into clothes I never thought I'd ever be able to wear again."
Discover the path to take control of your health That Erika and Many Others have using our elite proven process with beginners guide to eating healthy.
yes ma'am, you sure CAN...
and it really doesn't have to be that difficult...if you'll let me show you how!
now, if you're naturally skeptical, I'm going to share something with you right away to put your mind at ease
and show you how the elite proven process personalized transformation program is unlike any other transformation program.
well, outside of the fact that I've put together a proven system that has worked for many other women just like you.
It’s different because…I actually UNDERSTAND.
Hey I'm
Joe G
before I started Elite Health and Physique I was the nurse who called you to review your lab results. the nurse who told you that your doctor recommended diabetes, cholesterol, or high blood pressure medication.
what I noticed was a pattern of women who believed they could improve their health without the need for long-term medications but weren't really sure how to do it, or maintain if they achieved their initial goal!
So, I started elite health and physique and created all of our programs to help you understand not only how to shred fat, build muscle, or boost your metabolism but how to build the habits needed to maintain what's most important, your health!

so, as you can see, I truly understand health and physique ,
and I know exactly what you need to do to predictably drop pounds and build habits to achieve your dream physique.
I’ve dedicated my life to helping people win this war by improving their health through proper diet and training principles, delivered in a simple to follow process.
sound legit? cool.
Now I want to assure you that...
you're in the right place!
and the good news is...you're not alone
Because "at any given time in the U.S. more than two-thirds of adults are trying to lose or maintain their weight...
But only 20% are doing exactly what's needed to achieve their goal."
Well , the real problem is you spend more money on the latest supplements, powders, detoxes, and fad-diet hacks. you Become an endless cardio junkie, jump from class to class, or follow the latest YouTube workouts religiously.
You may even follow all of the "expert" guidelines like...
But despite all of that time, energy, & money spent. You have little or no results to show for it And many times you go backwards.
A recent study highlights this fact:
"most people regain most of their lost weight..."
if you're ready to develop a mental edge, a boost that will help you achieve the results you desire faster and more efficiently than you ever thought possible...
Then let me show you EXACTLY how our proven process gets YOU those RESULTS!
yup, the type of RESULTS that make people ask you what you've been doing because you look so good!
yeS, THere's a better way to do this...
over the past 2/12 years I've developed a proven system.
once you understand and master the concepts you'll be amazed at the amount of control you have over your health & physique.
this is the exact system I use to maintain my health and physique
what this means for you is...
you don't have to waste time trying to figure out what works!
whether you want to...
lose 20-100 lbs. of fat.
develop, tone, and flatten your tummy.
feel more confident about your physique.
The Elite proven process HERs will guide you on your path to
better health and the physique you desire!
Here's exactly How It Works


You fill out our detailed training questionnaire and complete a quick movement assessment once you gain access to our app.
we then deliver a personalized training regimen (at home or in the gym) designed to specifically help you reach your physique goals.

an expert coach committed to helping you reach you achieve your goals.
you'll also get the guidance, support, and accountability that you need weekly to reach you goals with confidence.
Here's exactly what you get...
Elite 7 step guide to healthy eating
Our quick in-app assessment puts you on the fast-track to better results. This removes the stress of "figuring it all out" on your own, which saves you time, energy, and wasted effort.
Elite Meal Prep Guide
we identify and fill any gaps with a detailed step-by-step 12 week personalized training program that you can easily follow to get faster results. delivered directly to your phone within 48-72 hours.
exclusive access to the elite health app
from week 1 to week 12, your simple to follow daily schedule shows you exactly what you need to do and when. check off daily tasks. watch your physique transform by uploading progress photos, weight, and body measurements. stay on top of your training progress by easily logging and reviewing changes in your reps, sets, and weights.
6 elite health habits
IN this guide you'll discover our 8 bulletproof principles to transforming and maintaining your physique.
Elite "Smarter not Harder" Guide
many assume working harder equals better results. This guide debunks this myth and shows you which training methods produce the best results so you can use them to naturally enhance your physique and improve your health in less time.
mobile workouts
learn which hormones specifically impact your physique and which foods you can use to help you optimize them for better health, overall mood, and muscle growth.
elite: cardio clarified
tired of spinning your wheels and busting your bones with excessive cardio routines? this guide puts cardio confusion to rest and lays out the simple and easy way to accelerate your fat loss.
strength powers health
discover why the biomedical literature sees strength training as a powerful, beneficial form of exercise for health maintenance.
this module highlights the health benefits of strength training in the areas of biggest public health concern with the greatest amount of supporting data.
this module ties it all in because, If you only chase the physique. you'll just be another "meathead" left with a void!
1:1 weekly support
tired of spinning your wheels and busting your bones with excessive cardio routines? this guide puts cardio confusion to rest and lays out the simple and easy way to accelerate your fat loss.
plus you'll also get this...
Better Health
Better Physique
time changes many biological processes.
this bonus will help you learn the truth about what's really normal as you age including factors you can influence to help you improve, reverse, or maintain your health and physique with age.
what you'll learn...

The cost of control

a trainer will cost you anywhere from $60-$150 per session. depending on experience and location a really good personal trainer can charge up to $300.00 dollars per session.
let's just say you get a deal and find a decent personal trainer for $50 per session. if you train two sessions per week you'll be looking at $400 per month.
remember, these sessions don't include nutrition, habit, or mindset training. just counting reps and checking form.
but guess what? you still need to dial in your nutrition!
after all, this accounts for 80% of your results...master this process and the amount of control you'll have over your health and physique will feel amazing.

If you get it wrong, you'll likely remain on the hamster wheel!
so, if you hire a registered dietitian to sit you down and set up a nutrition strategy for you, you could expect to pay $125-$175 per hour.
let's say you find a great one and they're able to set you up with a detailed meal plan in just one hour for $150. #winning!
so all in, you're looking at $950.00 dollars for 2 months ($400 + 2 months for training and $150 for a registered dietitian to set up your 8 week meal plan).
But if you dare to join the elite today...you can take control of your health
and build your physique with our proven process for a Fraction of that price!

due to our proven process, elite health & physique app, & the Experience of our dietitian, Our 1:1 online program is able to charge less and provide more.
we're happy to offer our elite proven process to you today for the price of your daily cup of coffee!
but there's more...
We have no contracts. this means you're in control (notice a common theme yet?) so you cancel at anytime.
how can we do this...?
we're able to retain our clients because we care about, support, & deliver the tools needed to get the results they desire; quickly and easily without pressure, jumping through endless hoops, or decoding complicated theory.
This is your single biggest opportunity to quickly take control of your health right now...
don't wait until next week, next month, or next year.
you're either serious about making your health a priority or you just enjoy the way it sounds.
If you're "do-er", not a "watch-er", it's time to act!
click down below to take control of your health today!
s0, If you're tired of going it alone..
If you're tired of jumping from one fad-diet to the next...
If you're tired of cookie cutter training programs that aren't tailored to your needs...
Then now is the time to make a change and take control of your health for good!
Remember, we're here to guide you EVERY STEP OF THE WAY to ensure you reach your goals.
and Due to the demand of our 1:1 services we only reserve spots for 25 women at a time.
this means, you need to act quickly to reserve your spot and start your journey today!
If you're ready to take control of your health and build your physique the right way, then click the link below and get started.
I'll see you on the other side!
Idelsy I, Behavioral support Specialist
Haverhill, mA
"What was different is that I was able to eat so much variety and good foods and still lose weight! Learning that carbs are not the enemy was eye opening!! However, the main difference was being able to have the one on one support and informational tools about how to stay healthy."
HEALTH? It's Your Fight.
Take control today!

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