Diet Strategies and Training Programs to
Take Control of Your Health and build your physique For Good.
A step-by-step diet plan, easy to follow monthly workouts, access to a team of
real health and fitness experts, an online members community, access our evolving wealth of advanced diet and training video vault, plus live monthly coaching calls to answer all your questions...With Elite health and physique University you can easily turn your
body into a full-blown fat burning or muscle building machine
It’s at the price point where it’s affordable for anybody, someone just starting, but it’s at the level of quality where it can really help you understand and feel comfortable achieving all your fitness goals.
- Wendy L.
With Elite Health and Physique Univeristy You Can Easily:
Lose Weight
Build Muscle
and Have More Confidence In The Way You Look and feel.
Build Your Diet
Step one is your diet strategy, you need to build a house before you can start inviting guests...
Elite Health and Physique Univeristy allows you to build a fully customized diet plan with monthly meal plans so you can lose weight and build muscle faster than you ever believed possible.

Kristen Hawes Hey Joe, I just wanted to let you know that since about the time I set-up the meal plan I started dieting not fully exercising but I dropped bread, wheat, pizza, fast food and pasta and I have almost lost 50 lbs. So, I wanted to say thank you for Elite Health And Physique University!
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A Training Program For Every Goal
Once you have your diet and meal plan in place, it's time to choose and follow one of our at-home or gym training programs. With Elite Health and Physique University, you get access to monthly workouts which includes beginner weight loss, muscle building programs, and for those who desire more, extreme shredding programs.
You'll find a new goal specific workout every month with step by step instructions plus tips for both beginner and advanced workouts, and much more.

Mark Matheson Jr. Today is one year plant based!
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Know Exactly What To
Measure To Get Results
What you measure improves. This is the foundation for reaching your fat loss or muscle building goals. And of course you can build your foundation with Elite Health and Physique University. In just a couple of how your height, weight, BMI, and body composition determine your results so you can avoid the guess work and focus on the foundation that really matters.
On top of that, Elite Health and Physique University is equipped with the most advanced tools and features on the market so you can maximize your weight loss and muscle building efforts and get rapid results!

Erika Gaznick Omg I made the chia pudding last night and made it for breakfast it was soooo good.
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End Diet Confusion
Elite Health and Physique University gives you access to our How To Build Your Initial Diet Blueprint so you can start reaping the advantages of knowing how to diet inside out. Imagine you'd never have to worry or guess about how to eat, the right way to lose weight, or build muscle, having a step by step process that's perfectly laid out in an easy to understand way and being able to know how to set up your diet, use your meal plan, and much more...
All of this becomes reality when you start using our How To Build Your Initial Diet Blueprint for your health and physique goals.

Manny Juarez Man you got me wanting to visit Liberia with that Liberian scramble this morning! Lol. That was legit...even my little dude ate it...Hahaha
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simple gym
and at home
Your time is valuable. Save it by using our quick follow-along workouts to lose weight and build muscle in less time.
With Elite Health and Physique University, you get access to workouts you can do at home, at the gym, or while traveling on business or vacation.
Elite Health and Physique University allows you to open your phone and workout with your trainer from anywhere.
You'll get access to a professional looking online health and fitness factory of hiqh quality videos to help you get lean and toned faster than you'd imagined.

Kevin Shrewsberry Look at all these clothes that no longer fit. I have to get a whole new wardrobe now...haha!
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Learn how to enjoy your favorite foods while you tone up, add muscle, or shred fat
FOMO is one of the strongest human emotions. And with Elite Health and Physique University you'll get access to a monthly meal plan which allows to create delicious, guilt-free meals to keep you losing fat and gaining muscle without always feeling like you're missing out.
You'll learn about food substitutions, how to re-calcualte your diet as you lose weight to keep your weight loss consistent, how to re-start your diet if you fall off, and how to meal prep to save and improve your physique like never before.

idelsy Infante I think the best part is that you actually get to learn how to eat to lose weight and it's not restrictive like you might think.
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At Last, Get The Diet, Exercise, Motivation, and Support You Always Needed
You have a unique mind, body, goals, healthy history, and schedule that works for you. You most likely tried a diet or training programs in the past and you likely received a "cookie cutter" workout and meal plan.
No support. No guidance. No interaction.
So who do you go to when you have questions? That’s where our Elite Health and Physique University Community comes into play.
With our Elite Health and Physique Univeristy Community you can get support, motivation, and mindset hacks from people who are the path to achieving their goals just like you.
Build relationships and get support with our monthly live Q&A sessions to take your weight loss and muscle building goals to the next level.

Mariel Gomez Some people believe they need a trainer in the gym with them but for me it's more of a mental game. I need some structure and accountability to keep my head strong.
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Who is it for?

Tired of Overpriced Plans
Can’t Afford a $1000/Hr Personal Trainer? You don’t have to break the bank to get elite-level training advice from one of the country’s top fitness experts.

You Need to Burn that Last Layer of Fat
Your body is close to where you want it to be...but you want to shed that last layer of belly fat. You need a little guidance from an expert fitness professional that inspires and builds your confidence but more than that you want a simple, well-designed, diet and workout program to get results to lose that last layer of fat and have full confidence in your physique. With Elite Health and Physique University you’ll be able to do exactly that!
You Know what to Do but You Lack Structure
You want to have total control over your diet and training program. You don't want to waste time figuring out calories, macros, workouts, and cardio. With Elite Health and Physique University you get every element you need to build muscle, burn fat, and get healthy in a simple to follow process.

You Want to Build Musce or Get Absolutely Shredded
With Elite Health and Physique University every month you get every muscle building and fat shredding tool you need to create an amazing physique all in one place and the best part?
Anyone can do this in a single afternoon…you don’t have to be bodybuilder, a fitness model, or a gym-rat.

The Elite Health And Physique University Way
Rapid Set-Up
You have a busy schedule, you don't have time to waste. Being able to implement a quick meals, and short but effective workouts is critical to your success. Imagine opening up your phone and completing a quick 20-50 minute workout from your home (with detailed instructions), or a whipping up a healthy post workout meal or lunch with every single carb, protein, and fat laid out for you so you have no guess work. How much faster would you be able to reach your weight loss or muscle gaining goals?
All our workouts and meal plans are built with rapid set-up in mind. This means you'll be able to go from 0 to workout and from 0 food for the week to meal prep mastery in the least amount of time possible. Then, once you've created your initial process, you can get feedback from us and improve upon it over time.
Just compare Elite Health and Physique University vs. buying another generic diet or training program to see the difference for yourself.
You Should Measure That
Will a quick juice cleanse for 3 days boost my weight loss? Should I workout fasted to melt fat? Will I get more muscle gains if I do high-reps versus low-reps?
The truth is...No-one knows! You have to be able to test and measure your results with YOUR workouts with YOUR body weight and with YOUR body measurements. If you're not able to quickly and efficiently test these vital anthropometrics on your fitness journey you're driving blind and losing out on finding your potential sweet spot for losing weight, building muscle, and improving your health big time!
That's why you'll discover exactly what to measure and how with Elite Health and Physique University. You'll learn what your weight really means, the truth about your BMI, why measuring you height is crucial, and how much body composition you'll have access to all the diet "hacks" and muscle building tools.
When you guess about your health and fitness goals it becomes complicated and expensive.
but, with Elite health and physique University. We show you EXACTLY what to measure so you can FOCUS because we KNOW it will help you get the flat stomach, bigger arms, toned glutes, or ripped abs you desire, faster than you thought possible.
Results Is What It's All About
What good is all the information in the world if you don't know how to put it all together so you can use it to reach your fitness goals? So, we help you put together our proven process system in a way that works for you. It turns bad habits into positive ones, turns flabby arms firm, skinny physiques into muscular ones, and customers into raving fans.
That's the focus of any of our programs. It's embedded in our DNA. This translates into things like:
- Easy to follow diets for your goals, simple delicious meal plans, and effective workouts put together by expert trainer Joe G and our Master trainers.
- Specific features we know you need if you're serious about taking control of your health, building your physique, finding a proven process that makes everything simple to understand, a community that inspires and encourages you, and much much more.
- Simple easy to understand breakdown of complicated topics, misconceptions, and the best diet and training principles you can use to speed up your results.
The Tools AND Education
Having the right tools is only half of the equation. You also need to know how, why, and when to use them.
Elite Health and Physique University is powerful and we'll provide you with the diet and workout education you need to take full advantage of all the features and elements in our university.
Elite Health and Physique University is our online education platform where you'll find a whole library of programs to help you accomplish your current physique goal.
From beginner programs, intermediate programs, to advanced programs so that you can change your physique at your own pace.
What Our members Are Saying About Us

I wanted to lose weight without doing crazy workouts. So, I needed to know exactly how much and what I should be eating. Elite health & physique gave me the tools (meal plans) to accomplish my goals. the best feeling though, is that I love that I fit into clothes I never thought I'd ever be able to wear again..