Get. Bigger. Legs. At. Home.
Want to build thicker, fuller, and more developed quads, glutes, hamstrings, and calves without leaving your house?
fair enough.
so, today I'm going to walk you through a complete 15 minute HIIT leg routine to help you get bigger legs at home in less time.
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HEre's exactly what we'll cover in this get bigger legs at home workout:
- Why Building muscle is important
- Workout Structure: 15 min HIIT
- Kettlebell Swings
- DumbBell Step-Ups
- Bench Hops
- Line Hops
GET BIGGER LEGS AT HOME: WHy Build strength?

PHysical inactivity is a serious worldwide health issue.
and it's the gateway to a number of chronic (long-term) health diseases like:
- metabolic disease (high blood sugar, cholesterol, blood pressure, etc)
- cardio-cerebrovascular disease (heart and brain diseases)
- musculoskeletal disorders (muscle diseases)
- and frality (just plain ole' weakness and fragility)
but the good news is, strength training has well documented, beneficial effects on many of the above listed health outcomes in the biomedical literature[1-4].
And if you're thinking...
"I'm getting older and this can't possibly be for me."
studies show that long-term progressive strength training in older adults has been show to stimulate muscular hypertrophy( or growth) and type 2 muscle fiber growth, which prevents dynapenia (or age related loss in muscle mass and strength).
so, it's safe to say that building muscle (in this case, to get bigger legs at home) is as important for your health as learing how to properly eat for your phenotype.
GET BIGGER LEGS AT HOME: workout structure

as always, the structure of this get bigger legs at home workout will be simple because the less you have to think about, the better you'll be able to add this routine seamlessly into your daily routine.
Number of exercises
with that being said, you'll be doing a total of 5 exercises in your get bigger legs at home 15 minute HIIT workout routine.
HIIT work/rest ratio
you're going to do each of the first 4 exercises for a total of 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest. this equals a work to rest ratio of 2:1 to skyrocket your heart rate.
Then on your 5th exercise you're going to increase your work time to 30 seconds and decrease your rest time to 15 seconds.
And if at first you find these ratios to be too intense, you can always increase your rest period.
Total number of rounds
You'll complete a total of 6 rounds per exercise for your first 4 exercises, followed by only 4 rounds of the 5th exercise.
It may be tough at first, but i promise you'll feel great when you're done and be one step closer to building bigger, thicker, and more defined legs without going to the gym.
Now that you know what you're doing, let's break down the exercises so you can start your journey to get bigger legs at home.
GET BIGGER LEGS AT HOME: kettlebell swings

kettle bell swings provide one of the biggest bangs for your calorie burning bucks. This simple movement if don't at the right intensity can burn up to 400 calories in about 15-20 mnutes.
While they can take a while to master, they're versatile and can be used for both cardio and strength training.
how to do a kettlebell swing
- Stand up straight holding a kettlebell in both hands.
- place your feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart.
- point your toes out slightly at 3 (right foot) and 9 (left foot) o'clock.
- Drop your hips down and back by bending your knees.
- THrust your hips forward squeezing your glutes.
- once the kettlebell reaches shoulder height, drop your hips to bring it back towards your body.
PRO TIP: remember to keep your arms extended throughout the movement. To end the movement just take the momentum out of the swing until the kettlebell stops in the bottom position and lower down to the floor.
Repetition and intervals: Do this for 20 seconds and repeat x 6
Target muscles:
Glute and hip muscles
Quadriceps and abdominal muscles
Hamstrings and calf muscles
back, shoulders and arms muscles
GET BIGGER LEGS AT HOME: dumbbell Lunges

LUnges are hands down my favorite lower body exercises.
They're simple, effective, and build your legs individually while improving your posture and balance.
The stretch provided on back trail leg during the lunge can help to improve your hip elasticity and hip stabilization.
how to do a dumbbell Lunge
- hold a dumbbell in each hand.
- stick your chest up and pull your navel toward your spine.
- Step forward approximately 1 ½ times natural stride length.
- Put your weight on your front leg and lower yourself straight down.
- keep your front knee behind your toes.
- From the bottom position push back up with your weight coming through the heel of your front foot.
PRO TIP: Keep your head and chest upright with your hips level and forward facing during the entire movement.
Repetition and intervals: Do this for 20 seconds and repeat x 6
Target muscles:
Glute and hip muscles
Quadriceps and abdominal muscles
Hamstrings and calf muscles
GET BIGGER LEGS AT HOME: dumbbell step-ups

Another great unilateral lower body movement is the dumbbell step-up.
This movement is great for targeting your quads and glutes.
how to do a dumbbell step-up
- Hold a dumbbell in each hand and stand with your feet hip width apart.
- step forward and up with one leg on to a box/step.
- Keeping your hips level and upper body upright step up until both feet are on the
box/step. - Under control and with your hips level, lower down into the start position.
PRO TIP: try to keep your trail leg close to your body as you step up. This will ensure you are fully activating your glutes and quads on the lead leg, instead of pushing off your back leg.
Repetition and intervals: Do this for 20 seconds and repeat x 6
Target muscles:
Glute and hip muscles
Quadriceps and abdominal muscles
Hamstrings and calf muscles

Bench hops are a great way to add a plyometric component during your lower body workout.
Plyometric training, which is popular with athletes is great because it activates your muscle fibers faster than strength training, HIgh intensity interval training, or steady state cardio.
how to do a bench hop
- Hold a bench securely with both hands (do this throughout the entire exercise).
- stand with both legs closely together on the left side of the bench.
- hop your legs over the top of the bench and land them on the right side.
- Immediately hop back over to the left side.
- Keep hopping over the bench in this manner for the prescribed time
PRO TIP: try to keep your head neck and torso in line during the movement. YOu can do this by fixating your eyes on a spot in front you.
Repetition and intervals: Do this for 20 seconds and repeat x 6
Target muscles:
Glute and hip muscles
Quadriceps and abdominal muscles
Hamstrings and calf muscles
Shoulders and arms

LIne hops are another plyometric movement that's less stressfull on your joints.
BUt just because it's a bit easier doesn't mean you should coast. You can add these in
- at the end of your workout as a finisher
- in-between sets as a cardio burst to burn more calories
- or do them by themselves as a light hiit cardio workout
how to do a line hop
- stand with both feet on the left side of a line/piece of tape
- hop both legs over the line/tape and lightly land on the right side.
- Immediately hop back over to the left side.
- Keep hopping over the line/tape in this manner for the prescribed time
PRO TIP: try to synchronize your arms swings with your hops for better exercise efficiency
Repetition and intervals: Do this for 30 seconds and repeat x 4
Target muscles:
Glute and hip muscles
Quadriceps and abdominal muscles
Hamstrings and calf muscles
Shoulders and arms

If you made to the end of this get bigger legs at home workout, you're most likely dripping sweat.
So, I wanna know, how do you feel?
drop a comment below.
alright ladies and gents, that's all I got for get bigger legs at home workout.
until nex time...
the juice is worth the squeeze.
signing out.
- Joe G. Elite Leader