ever wonder what it feels like to take control of your health?
Then you're going to want to read this!
Meet Kev, a doctor of veterinary medicine from lake Charles, Louisiana (Aka "the boot") who's on a quest to take control of his health and build his physique for good.
and If you take a quick look at him, I'm sure you'll agree with me that he's done just that!
Dr. Shrew became an elite member and chose the elite Proven Process as his program about 18 months ago with the initial goal of just "wanting to get the weight off."
our proven process and weekly guidance from his very own guide yours truly helped him do that and a little bit more.
before becoming an elite member, Kevin ran into some health issues and he knew he had to do something to change his life for the better.
let's take a look at how his journey to better health and a quality built physique went down in 5 simple steps.
1.Life Before Joining the Elite

"I struggled with my weight my whole life, and eventually the health issues began to pile up. I was diagnosed with obesity, insulin resistance, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure.
I suffered from constant back pain due to the extra weight.
plus Aesthetically, I hated how I looked and in turn I felt horrible about myself with ZERO confidence and ZERO self-esteem. I didn’t think I could ever find a way to actually love who I was again."
this also limited his ability to serve his fur babies and their families.
Kevin's doctor, Like any respectable doctor trying to preserve their patient's health, put him on multiple medications to help minimize these well known but also preventable health risks.
this provided some much needed stress relief, But deep down something just didn't feel right. He didn't want to take pills for the rest of his life!
then one day something clicked, "if I continue down this road I won't be around very long, and I want to live a full life."
thus his quest for better health began.
2.The Frustrations of trying to "figure it out"

First, Kevin bounced from program to program like a bee pollenating Flowers in the spring…yup, Literally.
he went down the google information rabbit hole, which may work for some if you're willing to grind through the trial and error that comes with it.
"I did the...work out a little more so you can eat a little more."
"I did the weight watchers."
"I did the grind it out in the gym 6 to 7 days a week, acting like I knew what I was doing."
Although some of it did work, he was never able to make it stick.
"The most annoying thing about trying to lose weight and improve my life was not having accountability and also not knowing what diet to turn to. Every diet failed... the weight just came back, which made me feel like I could never accomplish any goals of improving myself."
so, he quickly realized he needed a coach and sought out a friend to ask if they knew any good trainers or programs.
enter the Elite proven process!
But for some reason, he didn't call right away....
"I had your contact info for about 4 months before reaching out, and when I look back now, I regret it because I could have been further along in my journey than I am."
The Takeaway: You don't have to walk this journey alone. Yes, there are plenty of people who can pluck a generic plan off the internet and get decent results.
but it's often much easier and more efficient to follow a proven process with a guide that can get you results faster.

as you can imagine, Kevin is a busy doctor.
from fixing up Fido to touching up Tom from his latest escapade with jerry, there isn't much time to research every single nuance about his nutrition and training regimen.
for Kevin …"Becoming an ELITE member was totally different because for once I had someone to say...“Do this"... and hold me accountable without making me feel terrible when I failed to accomplish a goal.
I just needed someone to sit down and say..."hey, Let's pinpoint this"...and when it comes to the training regimen, there is no way I could have done this all by myself."
another huge factor for Kevin was having 24/7 support to answer all his questions and keep him on track.
"the weekly check-ins and 24/7 support was exactly what I needed."
when he started he didn't know or expect much, but he's exceeded his expectations and expanded his knowledge but Having a guide who can tell him exactly what to do allows Kevin to focus his energy on his work, his social life, and whatever else he desires.
The Takeaway: having a clear plan and accountability makes it easier to reach your goals.
Kevin realized the elite proven process was different almost immediately because he thought his initial nutritional strategy was too high in calories for him to lose weight.
but like many he was shocked at how much he was able to eat and consistently shed the fat.
This sparked a powerful-feedback loop that pulled Kevin towards his goal faster.
"I realized how much being an ELITE member changed my life when my original goal of 15 pounds of weight loss was blown out of the water and I was weighing 30 pounds less than when I started. That was the moment I realized I can do this!
I felt this adrenaline, and I was like...LET's DO THIS!"
5. So, What's LIFE Like Now?

"My life today is so much better! Today I have confidence in abundance and it overflows in every aspect of my life.
I’ve come to realize that I can accomplish every goal I set and my goals have grown from 15 pounds of weight loss to 80 pounds with a desire to build muscle like I’ve never been able to before!
The insulin resistance is gone, my blood pressure meds were dropped because my blood pressure was too low, and my cholesterol levels dropped back into normal ranges, almost perfect.
I feel like I got a extra years back on my life because of elite.
I mean, Even with my patients and their families, I can walk into a room and tell them...Hey, here's what's going on and here's how we can fix it.
Try telling families that they need to put their pet on a diet when their Vet looks like he needs to be on a diet!"
Now, I'll be real with you: what Kevin was able to achieve is truly incredible and inspiring.

but once you understand the hard work Kevin put in, the picture becomes much clearer.
- Kevin was set up with a proven plan
- Then Kevin executed it to a T.
Simply put, Kevin put in the work and the results followed.
Yeah, he's been busting his butt. But all that hard work resulted from one choice: hiring a guide
However, what's most important about Kevin's journey is: he started
As Benjamin Mee said...
“You know, sometimes all you need is twenty seconds of insane courage. Just literally twenty seconds of just embarrassing bravery. And I promise you, something great will come of it.”

in life all it takes is 20 seconds to make a decision in a moment that can push your life forward.
Many great things have been achieved by ordinary people, simply because they had enough courage to go for it.
When it comes to health...
For some it's buying a cook book and reverse engineering their favorite meals.
For others, it's just putting your gym attire on and heading out the front door to the gym.
For Kevin, it was hiring an expert and following their plan.
While this might only take 20 seconds, the first step is the most important one.
and you have to take it when the moment comes.
If you want someone to help you out on your journey to better health, we're here to guide you.
We are a team of health and physique experts that do this all day plus tomorrow.
- WE combine our elite proven process, elite health habits, and customized training programs to help you improve your health and build a quality physique.
- We deliver everything you need in our easy to use app so you can take it anywhere you go and even have your program adjusted to whatever you have available.
- we check-in and make adjustments. We talk to you every week to make sure it's working. If it's not, no sweat. we'll break up the barriers and get you back on the right path quickly.
sound alright?
If you're ready to take control of your health and build your physique..
Let's find the right plan for you so you can be the next elite member success story
bridging the Health gap!
- Joe G.
P.S. - Shoutout To my man Kev, you're a beast!